Our kids are our future. The church is only ever one generation away from extinction, and we take very seriously our role in teaching and guiding them. We have established a program that allows them to learn about God and grow in their faith in a child-centered environment with lessons specifically designed for their age group.

Our nursery (ages 0-18 months) is open every Sunday. There is a children's program on the first thru fourth Sundays.  On the fifth monthly Sunday, children 18 months and older join us in the sanctuary for a family service.

Through our Children's Department, we have and American Heritage Girls (AHG) troops that meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at 6:00pm. This program are geared toward girls from age 5 - 18. They enjoy indoor and outdoor activities that build character, teach leadership skills, and help them connect with each other and the community through service.

 activities for children and youth


Our youngest class is known as the RIVERS and is for ages birth - 18 months. The next age group is the RAILS and will be a step up from the nursery for ages 18 -36 months. The older class is the ROADS for ages 3yrs to 5th grade.

The nursery for our RIVERS will be open every Sunday. The classes for the RAILS and ROADS is available on the first and third Sundays of every month. On the second and fourth (and any fifth) Sundays, clipboards are provided at the Kid Check-in area that are full of activities for them to do during the adult service.

Trail Life Troop VA1408

Reedswood Youth

Our youth program is currently being reworked. We want to provide an enriching time for them to come together that is geared toward the teenage experience. The goal is to keep the gospel relevant to what they are experiencing during this season of their lives and to help them mature in their faith through the mentorship of adult leaders.

Trail Life Troop VA1408

American Heritage Girls Troop VA-4605

American Heritage Girls allows girls to experience new challenges, serve others, make new friends and have tons of fun, all in a safe, faith-filled environment. Whether you daughter wants to learn more about aviation, learn to paddle a canoe, or ice the perfect cake, AHG's program is ready to inspire her to new heights. Their mission is to build women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country. AHG offers girls an exciting, progressive program of social development, girl leadership and teamwork, life skill enhancement, character development, confidence building, and spiritual development. 

Trail Life Troop VA1408

Meet our Kids & Youth Ministry Leaders:

Kim Sawyer

Kids Ministry Co-Leader

Bobbie Brown

Kids Ministry Co-Leader

Tiffany Steiger

American Heritage Girls Troop Coordinator

Team member

Youth Ministry Leader